Since those amazing days in July 2015 the New Horizons spacecraft has transmitted numerous images and many other kinds of data home for scientists and the public alike to study, analyze, and just plain love. From Pluto’s iconic “heart” and sweeping ice‐mountain vistas to its flowing glaciers and dramatic blue skies, it’s hard to pick just one favorite picture. So the mission team has picked 10 – and in no special order, placed them here. Click on the images for more information. You’ve seen nine of them before, and the team added a 10th favorite, also sure to become one of New Horizons’ “greatest hits.”

1. Vast Glacial Flows

2. Jagged Ice Shorelines and Snowy Pits

3. Blue Skies

4. Charon Becomes a Real World

5. The Vistas of Pluto

6. A Dynamic Duo: Pluto and Charon in Enhanced Color

7. Strange Snakeskin Terrain

8. Pluto’s Heart

9. Far Away Snow‐Capped Mountains

10. Colorful Composition Maps of Pluto