The historic launch of NASA’s Artemis I flight test … A powerwalk outside the space station … And the beginnings of a new star … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA!

Artemis I Mega Rocket Launches Orion to Moon “And here we go …”—Launch commentator On November 16, NASA’s Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft lit up the night sky at the Kennedy Space Center, to mark the start of NASA’s historic Artemis I flight test. “And liftoff of Artemis I. We rise together. Back to the Moon and beyond.”—Launch commentator The planned 25-and-a-half-day mission calls for the uncrewed Orion to go about 40,000 miles beyond the Moon before returning to Earth. The mission will also test all systems before flying astronauts on future Artemis missions. A Power Spacewalk Outside the Space Station On November 15, NASA astronauts Josh Cassada and Frank Rubio conducted a spacewalk to prepare the International Space Station for some new solar arrays that could help the station generate about 30 percent more power. Webb Catches Fiery Hourglass as New Star Forms This new Webb Space Telescope image shows once-hidden features of a protostar within an hourglass-shaped cloud of gas and dust. The image is providing insight into the beginnings of a new star. Jet Engine Installed on NASA’s X-59 NASA’s quiet supersonic X-59 now has the engine that will power it after the assembly of the experimental aircraft is complete. The engine will propel the X-59 to speeds up to Mach 1-point-4 and altitudes up to about 55,000 feet. That’s what’s up this week @NASA …